Carolyn R. Parsons

If the rain would stop I would walk! I've been doing fantastic, walking, eating well, smaller amounts, things are looser clothes wise but most of all things are well health wise.

I'm starting to trust my body to adjust itself and the self hypnosis is a great way to keep a focus on that trust.

My writing is absolutely taking off. I'm over 50,000 words with my novel and it's really coming together. It's hard to say if it's the hypnosis or the satisfaction of doing what I love for a couple of hours a day but I'm very balanced and focused these days and that's a great thing.

I still drink a lot of water each day and tea at night. I've taken to forgiving myself if I eat a cookie or a piece of pie and moving on. I am not bing-y and I am not really thinking about food at all. It's good.

Good healthy food, exercise, work that satisfies the soul and self-awareness and appreciation...all part of the recipe for success!


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Carolyn R. Parsons

I have come across two challenges that are starting on September 28 and thought I would share them with you.

The first is this walking challenge from an ivillage link. I'm going to give it a try. I try to walk daily but as the weather changes I find myself less and less inclined to do so. I am hoping to walk all winter this year but I hate being in the cold so it's challenging. Come along and join me on this one!

This second one is of particular interest. I came across this "diet" and entered the contest. This one isn't about weightloss specifically, it's about eating right for whatever ails you. I did the quiz and I won the book(Yay me) so when it comes I'm going to try to follow along with my results which basically said I'm hormonally imbalanced.

The quiz tests you and from that you find out your imbalances. Then you adjust your diet accordingly based on the results to give you the opportunity to eat foods to balance your system. I'm gonna test this one out. I am perimenopausal and it's a roller coaster most days. I am writing this at 6:22am having gotten up at 4:30. I have been awake since 3am. I'm hoping to fix up my sleep patterns and reestablish my energy for the day by doing so. I'm hoping diet will fix this.

And of course I continue on with the hypnosis weekly to keep me motivated. It works, it really works!


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Carolyn R. Parsons

I just wanted to post a quick note to direct everybody to the little widget to the immediate right on my blog. This little tool gives you direct access to any health/wellness questions you might have. Just enter your key word and voila, instant wellness information.

Let me know how it works for you!

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Carolyn R. Parsons

Television adds pounds. I know it does because I'm on television now. I recently became a reporter for a new television news magazine and I'm starting to realise how tiny many of the people who are on television must actually be when they appear of normal weight.

We had a launch party for the new program yesterday and we viewed the show. I was surprised that I looked so much bigger than I thought I was but reassured when other, very small people, also looked larger on the screen. It's all an illusion.

But it got me thinking about body image and how that affects us. Much of how we think of our own body is as much an illusion as the size magnification of people on the small screen!

Many of us have a very confused idea of what is a good body weight. The media's skewed images on television and on magazine covers cause us to think we are overweight when we are not. The judgement of society supports that by the constant bombardment of the messages that you aren't good enough if you don't look the way the media has told you you should. It's not wonder we're confused!

I've come a long way. I looked at myself on the television and while I acknowledged that I looked bigger than I would have liked, I really, deep down, don't care. What I had to say, the work I had to do, the way I spoke, the story I presented, was the most important thing.

People get stuck on the journey because while on the journey you are not at the place you think you should be. The key to not getting stuck is to not focus on the weight or the body but on the feelings and the actions you are taking to a healthier body size.

HHypnosis Update

I've been using hypnosis and it really has taken my focus off of eating. I get hungry now before I eat and I am not overeating. I am walking more but that might have more to do with the weather being suitable for my favourite activity. I can feel in my clothes that I have lost some weight and I feel happy about that. I don't use a scale so I can't share the amount but it's definitely working.

I highly suggest using the weight loss mp3 on Hypnotransformations to get started. The owner of that site has agreed to guest blog for me in the future. Watch for her post!

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Carolyn R. Parsons

My first update is a non-update. I've decided to put off my challenge until the kids start school(tomorrow) for the simple reason that I was swamped and didn't make time to listen to the download more than once. I want to follow the procedure exactly to maximize the benefits. So starting tonight I will be back on track.

That said, even listening once seems to set me in a different mood towards food and eating. My problem these days is a lack of motivation to exercise. I've always been super active and I've gone completely backwards this summer, having no inclination to do much more than a 20 minute walk. Aside from my two dragon boat practices a week I've been pretty much sedentary. That has translated into a plateau of sorts but I'm not worried except for the wellness aspect of regular activity.

I've got exciting things happening with this blog. I've invited Kym at Hypnotransformations to guest blog for me and she's kindly accepted. And I've also invited a local nutritionist and raw-food specialist, Nancy Telfer, who also is a EFT practitioner to guest blog on each subject. Check out her website!So interspersed between my updates will be posts from each of these fascinating women on their wellness specialties!

And remember the walking challenge starting on September 28th! I'm going to start that and I'm hoping some of you will join up and follow me on that journey! I really need to move beyond my 20 minute dog walking excursions!

Namaste friends!

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