Carolyn R. Parsons
Sometimes you just have to start again. I've taken a couple of steps backwards in the past two days. Well maybe not backwards but I haven't moved forward as I intended. It's been rainy, my daughter who is three, has been very sick and I have a hundred excuses for not being as mindful as I should be and letting go of my good intentions.

Today I recommit. In fact I think that I need to recommit on a daily basis and a moment by moment basis.

I need to buy food today to make the healthy food that I ran out of yesterday. I need to finally start running now that the rain has stopped. I'm charging my iPod as we speak and as soon as I can get out there I'm going.

I'm starting with some meditation to get me back in the field of wellness and well being. I need to let go of the old habits that have slipped back in the past few days while my guard was down and I need to let go of the disappointment in myself that hinders my progress.

I've started to focus on thinking about what a gift my body is. I get to live in this body for a limited number of years and its wellness, its freedom from pain and the level of energy it has ensures that the spirit that is me can do all it needs to do and become all it needs to become.

I'm in gratitude for the opportunity right now, in this moment to recommit to what I've set out to do for myself. To meet the challenges that are ahead and to live a healthful and happy day.


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